
Ticket purchase

M. Grgić - A. Kabiljo: JALTA, JALTA

Komedija, kazalište, 21.05.2024. at 19:30h

20/25 €

Select a sector or ticket type:

By crossing over the sector with mouse you will get details about seat availibility.

Pozornica Sektor: PARKET LIJEVO Tickets are sold out Sektor: PARKET DESNO Tickets are sold out Sektor: BALKON SREDINA LIJEVO Tickets are sold out Sektor: BALKON SREDINA DESNO Tickets are sold out Sektor: BALKON LIJEVO Tickets are sold out Sektor: BALKON DESNO Tickets are sold out

PARKET LIJEVO (Tickets are sold out)
                                  PARKET DESNO (Tickets are sold out)
                                  BALKON SREDINA LIJEVO (Tickets are sold out)
                                  BALKON SREDINA DESNO (Tickets are sold out)
                                  BALKON LIJEVO (Tickets are sold out)
                                  BALKON DESNO (Tickets are sold out)

Select a sector or ticket type:

SectorTickets price
PARKET LIJEVO25 € Tickets are sold out     
PARKET DESNO25 € Tickets are sold out     
BALKON SREDINA LIJEVO25 € Tickets are sold out     
BALKON SREDINA DESNO25 € Tickets are sold out     
BALKON LIJEVO20 € Tickets are sold out     
BALKON DESNO20 € Tickets are sold out     

Your selection:

Check that at least one seat is selected and that maximal number of seats is not exceeded .

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